All D3 | RENEW PROTECT products combine titanium and quartz ceramics for extreme protective coatings.
Information & Recommended Products
This is where we started. All of our original product development and testing was with King Air, Pilatus, and Columbia. We designed D3 | RENEW PROTECT products to handle the incredible demands of aircraft applications, including the ability to withstand extreme weathering and 330 knot/380 mph airspeeds! BLAK and GLOZ have been our most popular products for aircraft use. Using them as a deicing boot treatment requires as little as one coating. Though, for greater longevity and shine, many customers use BLAK as a base treatment followed GLOZ as the second coating.

BLAK, SATN, and GLOZ also can be as a dry-seal tire treatment as well as on rubber seals, steps, wing walks, hoses, cables, etc. To enhance and preserve interior surfaces, check out DASH. DASH will create a permanent low-glare UV block dry-seal on interior plastics and vinyl. (For leather we recommend high quality leather oil treatment products like Lexol and Connolly. Do not use silicone/solvent-based products such as Meguiar's, 303, or Armor-All-type products on leather.
For exterior care of acrylics, gelcoat, and enamel, have a look at CART/RV. This is a very strong compound/polish with polymer/ceramic paint sealer that is excellent when used as a one-step detail or as part of a multi-step regimen. We highly recommend RP.11 for an easy clean and ceramic seal for the entire craft exterior and acrylics. (Never use general cleaners or even window cleaners on acrylics. They can degrade the surface over time. Always use microfiber towels when applying D3 | RENEW PROTECT products). GLAS2 and RP.12 are final finish ceramics designed for maximum longevity and are ideal for the full craft exterior and acrylics.

For regular washing, use a soft-tip brush with light pressure and a deionized water filtering system if possible. Using a brush with firm pressure will leave fine scratches in most substrates. Do not clean windows with a brush. It is a best practice to clean windows by hand after a full wash. Only use microfiber towels. Cotton and other fibers can finely scratch gelcoat, paint, clear coat, and acrylics. A good trick for exhaust stains is to coat the stain area with a non-abrasive citrus-based cleaner or as a pre-wash. Remove exhaust stains first and clean brushes before cleaning the aircraft.
Instead of using glass cleaner for interior cabin windows, a better option would be using a typical furniture polish spray. Use window cleaner and microfiber towels only for cockpit glass.
Never use typical 'protectants. Almost all protectants on the market today are combinations of silicone, glycol, and solvents, regardless of what the label reads. The solvents will slowly destroy any surface.
If it feels greasy after application, it is full of harmful solvents.